Blockchain & Linux: Exclusive Interview with Hyperledger’s Daniela Barbosa

In this exclusive interview with Daniela Barbosa, Executive Director of the Hyperledger Foundation and General Manager of Blockchain and Identity at The Linux Foundation, we delve into the dynamic and evolving world of blockchain technology. Her leadership in the Hyperledger Foundation illuminates the interplay between blockchain, identity management, and the Linux ecosystem. Readers will gain […]

How to fix GPG NO_PUBKEY Error: “The following signatures couldn’t be…”

You may occasionally encounter GPG errors during an apt-get update or apt-get upgrade when maintaining a Debian-based systems. These errors typically indicate that your system is missing one or more public keys required for verifying the integrity and authenticity of packages from its repositories. This guide will walk you through resolving “NO_PUBKEY” errors, ensuring your […]

Recommended Cloudflare Performance and Security Settings (Guide)

Cloudflare stands out as an impressive ally in the pursuit of optimal website performance and security. Known for its robust suite of tools designed to enhance website performance and bolster security, Cloudflare has become an essential component in the toolboxes of web developers and IT professionals alike. However, harnessing the power of Cloudflare isn’t without […]

Is Cloudflare Argo worth it?

Cloudflare Argo offers a significant reduction in network latency and connection errors—by an estimated 30%. Traditional network technologies often rely on static routing leading to slower and more congested paths, while Cloudflare Argo introduces a dynamic approach. This smart routing algorithm navigates traffic across the quickest available routes, utilizing Cloudflare’s extensive network of over 300 […]

Nginx tuning tips: HTTPS/TLS – Turbocharge TTFB/Latency

Are you looking to optimize the performance of Nginx? One way to do so is by tuning Nginx to support the latest TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols (TLS 1.2 & TLS 1.3). In this article, we’ll explore how optimizing Nginx’s TLS config can reduce TTFB (Time To First Byte) latency and turbocharge website speed, providing […]

Guide to Network Troubleshooting in Linux

Network reliability is not just a convenience—it’s a cornerstone of operational integrity. Linux, known for its robustness and versatility, is the platform of choice for many network administrators. However, even the most robust networks can encounter hiccups that require advanced troubleshooting. This article delves into Linux network troubleshooting, providing both casual users and system administrators […]

PHP 8.3 is Out! – 60% Still Using End-of-Life PHP 7

Yesterday, on November 23, 2024, the PHP community welcomed the release of PHP 8.3, marking another milestone in the evolution of this widely used scripting language. With PHP powering 76.7% of all websites with known server-side programming languages, upgrading PHP is critical in ensuring the security, efficiency, and overall user experience of a significant portion […]

Passwordless Authentication Services

The digital landscape of 2024 is rapidly evolving, and with it, the need to reassess traditional cybersecurity practices, particularly the reliance on passwords. Recent studies and developments in the field of cybersecurity strongly advocate for a transition towards a passwordless future. This blog post delves into the reasons why passwords should become a relic (no […]

Don’t miss out on Ubuntu Pro (Free for Personal use)

Ubuntu has been a popular choice for many users for years. However, with the rise of cyberattacks, security has become a primary concern for many users, especially those running critical applications and services. To meet the growing demand for secure and reliable Ubuntu deployments, Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has introduced Ubuntu Pro, a subscription-based […]

5 Network Devices for work-from-home and Small Business

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a mass migration from the work office to the home office. This continues to increase the requirements for better home network security, capacity, and additional capabilities. Small business and work-from-home networks must be more performant, reliable, accountable, and easier to manage. As such, network devices designed for consumers […]

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