Enhance the performance of MongoDB databases with proactive MongoDB monitoring

MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database management system that stores data in JSON-like documents. It’s designed to handle large volumes of data with a document-oriented architecture and can operate without a predefined schema, allowing for more flexibility in data storage and retrieval and making it a highly scalable option for businesses of all sizes. It’s […]

Top Serverless Monitoring Tools + Serverless Resources

Technology continues to evolve, and solutions for hosting applications continue to expand. One such method of application hosting that has been growing in popularity is serverless computing and, as a result, the increased demand for serverless monitoring. What is Serverless Computing? Serverless Computing is a cloud-computing execution model managed by cloud providers who run the […]

Observability, Getting Started – 50 Free Access and Open-Source Solutions

This article examines APM and observability solutions and tools. I’ve also included several quotes collected from observability companies who offer easy access to their platforms, and composed a list below of noteworthy observability solutions. I encourage observability providers to extend free and open access to their platforms and software, beyond free trials and without requiring […]

MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools

With MySQL, common configuration mistakes can create severe performance problems. If you misconfigure just one of the many config parameters, it can cripple performance. Of course, the performance of MySQL is often tied to the efficiency of your MySQL queries. It’s essential to ensure that your performance issues are not due to poorly written MySQL […]

Linux top: Here’s how to customize it

The top command – referred to below as Linux top – is a command on Unix and Unix-like systems such as Linux, which provides a dynamic real-time overview of a running system. It can display system summary information and a list of processes or threads currently managed by the Linux kernel. The types of system […]

50 Top Observability and Monitoring Solutions – 2024

“A more targeted list that includes 50 server and observability solutions for 2024” Back in 2014, I compiled a list of top server and application performance monitoring solutions. Sharing that list publicly was a great way to gain feedback and recommendations on other tools available. Over time that list grew from 20 to over 100 server monitoring […]

What is iowait and how does it affect Linux performance?

iowait (wait, wa, %iowait, wait%, or I/O wait) is often displayed by command-line Linux system monitoring tools such as top, sar, atop, and others. On its own, it’s one of many performance stats that provide us insight into Linux system performance. I/O wait came up in a recent discussion with a new client. During our support […]

“MySQL server has gone away” error – Solution(s)

The MySQL server has gone away error, which means that the MySQL server (mysqld) timed out and closed the connection. By default, MySQL will close connections after eight hours (28800 seconds) if nothing happens. However, in some cases, your web host, DBA, or app developer may have decreased this timeout setting, as discussed below. MySQL […]

innodb_buffer_pool_size – MySQL Performance

In MySQL performance tuning, few variables wield as much influence as innodb_buffer_pool_size. This essential MySQL configuration parameter directly impacts the performance of InnoDB, the most commonly used storage engine in MySQL. In this second installment in our series on MySQL database performance optimization, we continue to delve into the intricate world of MySQL configuration variables by […]

Free Linux Server Monitoring and APM solutions for SysAdmins

Today’s software applications require developers, testers, and SysAdmins to work together (DevSecOps) more seamlessly than ever before. A single line of code or poorly configured service can negatively impact your application’s performance, causing crippling slowdowns for end-users. This is where infrastructure and application monitoring comes in. Regarding Linux server monitoring, monitoring critical performance metrics of […]

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