50 Essential Linux Commands that You Should Know

In this blog post, I will list 50 essential Linux commands you need to know to manage Linux systems effectively. These commands will help you perform various tasks efficiently. This post is a follow-up to my previous blog post: 90 frequently used Linux Commands. However, it’s designed to provide you with a carefully categorized list […]

dstat command in Linux w/ examples

This dstat command guide follows my previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins article. As time allows, I will continue to publish articles on around the 90 commands geared toward Linux sysadmins and Linux power users. Let’s continue this series with the dstat command. Dstat is used for generating system resource statistics. It is a versatile […]

iftop command in Linux w/ examples

This iftop command guide follows my previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins article. As time allows, I will continue to publish articles on around the 90 commands geared toward Linux sysadmins and Linux power users. Let’s continue this series with the iftop command. iftop is a terminal program that shows network activity and details in text form. It’s […]

Choosing Linux Terminal Emulators – Discussion and List

The terminal emulator stands as an unsung hero, bridging the gap between user and machine with a blend of simplicity and power. As we delve into the world of terminal emulators, we uncover a landscape rich in diversity and innovation. From the classic simplicity of XTerm to the modern, Rust-powered elegance of Warp, terminal emulators […]

How to Kill Inactive SSH Sessions

Managing server connections efficiently is crucial for maintaining a smooth and secure IT environment. One such common challenge is dealing with inactive SSH sessions. These sessions can clutter your server, consuming resources and potentially posing security risks. In this article, we’ll explore practical methods to identify and terminate these idle connections. We’ll delve into the […]

How to fix GPG NO_PUBKEY Error: “The following signatures couldn’t be…”

You may occasionally encounter GPG errors during an apt-get update or apt-get upgrade when maintaining a Debian-based systems. These errors typically indicate that your system is missing one or more public keys required for verifying the integrity and authenticity of packages from its repositories. This guide will walk you through resolving “NO_PUBKEY” errors, ensuring your […]

Accelerate Your Website with Sitespeed.io

The speed of your website is a critical factor in ensuring user satisfaction, SEO rankings, and overall performance. Sitespeed.io emerges as a robust tool, offering comprehensive insights and solutions to optimize your website’s speed. It’s an open-source treasure, beloved by developers and site owners alike, for its detailed performance metrics and user-friendly approach. Sitespeed.io is […]

df command in Linux with examples

This article is a follow up to the previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins post. Every week, as time allows, I will publish articles on the ~ 90 commands geared toward Linux sysadmins and Linux power users. Use the df command when you need to know how much space is available on […]

ip command from iproute2 – utilities for TCP/IP networking in Linux

This ip command guide is a follow-up of my previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins article. Every week, or as time allows, I will publish articles on the ~ 90 commands geared toward Linux sysadmins and Linux power users. Let’s continue this series with the IP command. For Linux sysadmins, it is crucial […]

du – estimate and summarize file and directory space usage on Linux

This du command guide is a follow-up of my previous 90 Linux Commands frequently used by Linux Sysadmins article. Every week, or as time allows, I will publish articles on the ~ 90 commands geared toward Linux sysadmins and Linux power users. Let’s continue this series with the du command. du (disk usage) command is a […]

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