How To Create Optimized Docker Images For Production

Optimizing Docker images is a tricky feat. You have a lot to learn, with numerous things that can go wrong. Ask Matthew McConaughey from Interstellar. “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” – Murphy, a smart dude You want to have a quick feedback loop between pushing code to your GitHub repository and deploying […]

When is it time to add more application monitoring?

Guest post by James Paden, Partner at Instrumental At Instrumental, we often talk about getting started with monitoring. In the past, we’ve covered the critical, but basic, metrics everyone needs on our Ultimate Monitoring Metrics Cheatsheet (many of which are gathered by out-the-box system and service monitoring). We also wrote the Quick-Start Guide to Monitoring […]

Logagent: The Swiss Army Knife for Log Processing?

Guest post by Stefan Thies DevOps Evangelist at Sematext Group Inc. Dealing with log files or extracting data from various data sources is a daily task in the IT administration. Users ask about statistics or details of their technical or business operations. The relevant data is often present in log files, databases or message queues. Converting […]

Accelerate Time to Value for Log Analytics with the Oracle Management Cloud

Guest post by Philip Brown, Director of Cloud Strategy @ Red Stack Tech. Oracle Management Cloud is the latest innovation from Oracle, a unique on-premise and in cloud suite of monitoring, management and analytics services, meeting the individual needs of each business. This unified suite enables you to improve IT stability, prevent application outages, increase DevOps […]

APM Showdown: Which APM tool is right for you?

Guest post by Anand Akela, Director of Product Marketing, AppDynamics. In an ever-increasing digital world, IT Operations teams are struggling to monitor their application landscapes and third-party dependencies. A major key in their toolbelts is an application performance monitoring (APM) solution, which can provide business and user context and correlation to their application performance. Choosing the […]

Using New Relic to Monitor Nginx. Here’s how.

Back in 2013 New Relic introduced Plugin Central, where New Relic’s partners, third-party vendors, and users can publish plugin agents that collect selected metric data, and users can install and view the plugin data on their dashboards as a set of summary metrics, charts, and tables. This allows you to use a single platform to monitor […]

How to get 50% off New Relic’s regular price.

After managing many New Relic accounts for various clients – many of which use New Relic as per my recommendation, I’ve become quite adept at getting the most out of the service. As such, I’ve noticed repeatedly that clients who let the free “Pro” trial expire instead of upgrading to New Relic Pro, eventually receive […]

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