cPanel 11.39 now supports install on Amazon (AWS) EC2

cPanel/WHM on Amazon EC2 – now a more viable option.

As most of you reading this already know, Amazon’s AWS platform is built behind a NAT infrastructure. NAT (Network Address Translation) is the translation of an IP address used within one network to a different IP address known within another network. In this cause assigning a public address to an EC2 server based inside of a private network. AWS EC2 instances have a single IP address limit.

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These limitations make configuring cPanel for AWS more painstaking, requiring a lot of tweaks and ending with known/unresolved issues. Yes, there are users who have successfully installed and utilized cPanel on EC2 but for the most part do so at their own risk. Meaning there’s no option to contact cPanel’s support department for support or bug fixes when issues arise.

cPanel 11.39 now supports install on Amazon (AWS) EC2

Now the good news! With cPanel 11.39 cPanel posted that they were able to seamlessly migrate “30+ instances from a dedicated environment to AWS without any misstep”.

Also this from 11.39 announcement:
“Added support for using cPanel & WHM in a 1:1 NAT environment”


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