Best Linux Distro (2025)
Looking for the best Linux distro (distribution) to enhance your desktop or laptop experience? This article will guide you to what, I believe, are the best Linux distros for beginner, experienced, and expert users.
Whether you are a power user or just getting your feet wet, there are indeed specific Linux distros best suited for you. Let’s dive in to discover a distro that resonates with your level of expertise and transforms your computing journey!
Table of Contents
My Best Linux Distro for 2025: Still Kali Linux
My current best Linux distro for 2025 is Kali-i3.
During 2021-2022, my Linux distro of choice was Manjaro i3, while for 2023, I’ve switched to Pop!_OS with Pop Shell. 2024 and 2025 I’m still on Kali without any pentest tools for the rolling release/bleeding-edge benefits on Debian Testing with the added oversight by Kali.
The first rule to remember here is that there will be “the best Linux distro for me”but also “the best Linux distro for you.”
What you consider the best Linux Distro now will often change over time to match your experience level and other factors. This is why I update this post several times throughout each year.
With this in mind, let’s begin breaking down the hunt for your best Linux distro into three categories:
Beginner, Experienced, and Expert.
Best Linux Distros for Beginners
Pop!_OS – among the Best Linux Distros for Beginners.
For users who want quick access to Linux and an extensive array of software/apps without having to use the command line. Or, maybe, you seek an easy way to give Linux a try.
For those users, I would recommend the following:
- Manjaro – a user-friendly, desktop-oriented operating system based on Arch Linux. Key features include an intuitive installation process, automatic hardware detection, a stable rolling-release model, the ability to install multiple kernels, special Bash scripts for managing graphics drivers, and extensive desktop configurability.
- Ubuntu – a complete desktop Linux operating system freely available with the largest community support of any Distro. Ubuntu offers a beginner-friendly download page with large text, highlighting the most important things for new users, such as system requirements, a live USB guide, and how to switch from Windows or Mac.
- Pop!_OS – another Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring a custom GNOME desktop. System76, a Linux computer retailer, develops this Linux distro. Pop!_OS makes this list because they have gone out of their way to ensure that this distro is beginner-friendly by offering 100’s of informative videos and a growing list of help articles. (See screenshots above)
Update: The Cosmic desktop enhances GNOME with tiling window management and other usability improvements. Stable release coming Q1 2025! - Linux Mint – a Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a complete out-of-the-box experience by including browser plugins, media codecs, support for DVD playback, Java, and other components. It also adds custom desktop options and menus, several unique configuration tools, and a web-based package installation interface. Linux Mint is compatible with Ubuntu software repositories.
Notable mentions:, MX Linux, and ZorinOS.
Best Linux Distros for Experienced Users
Fedora – Best Linux Distros for Experienced Users
The following distros are very similar to those above. However, the default install does not include as much bloat. This requires a bit more customization and research. This shouldn’t be difficult or frustrating, but instead satisfying.
Best Linux Distros for Experienced Users:
- Fedora – (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project. An upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution. Fedora contains free and open-source license software packages and aims to be on the leading edge of technologies while working closely with upstream Linux communities. Fedora Project also distributes Fedora’s custom variations called Fedora’ spins’ for gaming, security, design, scientific computing, robotics, etc. Fedora’s short version life cycle means that package updates are frequent. This may be scary to some or satisfying to others who enjoy using the latest software.
- Debian – Of course, the common thing that people want is application software. Debian gives you easy access to these without pre-installing them. Debian comes with over 60,000 packages (pre-compiled software bundled up in a friendly format for easy installation on your machine) – all of it free. (Add some challenge, install Debian Testing or Debian SID)
- openSUSE – The openSUSE project has three main goals: make openSUSE the most accessible Linux for anyone to obtain and the most widely used Linux distribution; leverage open source collaboration to make openSUSE the world’s most usable Linux distribution and desktop environment for new and experienced Linux users; dramatically simplify and open the development and packaging processes to make openSUSE the platform of choice for Linux developers and software vendors. openSUSE also now offers the Tumbleweed rolling release distro.
- Solus – a relatively new Linux distribution built from scratch. Solus has a very focused approach to desktop editions: Solus Budgie, Solus Gnome, Solus Plasma, and Solus Mate. That said, their Budgie Desktop has grown rapidly in popularity and is one of the best all-around desktop environments you’ll have the opportunity to boot into.
Notable mention: AntiX – a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-install Linux distro.
Best Linux Distros for Experts
Arch Linux – Best Linux Distros for Experts
The following distributions focus on being lightweight, simple, and yet far more flexible than most. From the install process, you’ll notice that these distros will only install what you explicitly command them to.
Best Linux Distros for Experts:
- Arch Linux – an independently developed Linux distribution targeted at competent Linux users. It uses pacman, its home-grown package manager, to update the latest software applications with full dependency tracking. Arch can be installed from a CD image or via an FTP server operating on a rolling release system. The default install provides a solid base that enables users to create a custom installation. The Arch Build System (ABS) also provides a way to easily build new packages, modify the configuration of stock packages, and share these packages with other users via the Arch Linux user repository. (I used Arch for some time as well; see the above screenshot.)
- Gentoo – a versatile and fast Linux distribution geared towards developers and network professionals. Gentoo Linux has an advanced package management system called Portage. Unlike a binary software distribution, the source code is compiled locally according to the user’s preferences and is often optimized for the specific computer type. The name was chosen to reflect the potential speed improvements of machine-specific optimization, a major feature of Gentoo. Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, and flexible.
- Slackware – an advanced Linux operating system designed with the twin goals of ease of use and stability as top priorities. Including the latest popular software while retaining a sense of tradition, providing simplicity and ease of use alongside flexibility and power, Slackware brings the best of all worlds to the table. Originally developed in 1991, the UNIX-like Linux operating system now benefits from the contributions of millions of users and developers worldwide. Slackware Linux provides new and experienced users with a fully-featured system equipped to serve in any capacity, from desktop workstations to machine-room servers. Web, FTP, and email servers are ready to go out of the box, as are a wide selection of popular desktop environments. A full range of development tools, editors, and current libraries is included for users who wish to develop or compile additional software.
- Kali Linux – A Debian-based, rolling distribution specifically designed for penetration testing, security auditing, and digital forensics. It includes a comprehensive suite of tools for cybersecurity experts and ethical hackers, and its rolling release model ensures the latest software is always available.
About Kali Linux as a daily distro
Kali Linux, by default, will install with a “single, root user.”…NOT recommended.
Update: Kali Linux now defaults to non-root install. As such, I’ve moved this distro up from the bonus section, as this setup has always been one of my favorites. Now Kali has just made the non-root install process default. Kudos to them!
If you are installing Kali for penetration testing, then see their website. However, if you would like an alternate install that does NOT install with root login and (now by default) does NOT install penetration testing tools, try this custom install without root for a rolling release Debian managed by Kali.
Bonus: Unique Linux distros
This collection isn’t your typical lineup; it’s for the enthusiasts who relish in customization, efficiency, and a deep understanding of their system’s workings. From the ambitious endeavor of crafting your system from scratch with Linux From Scratch to exploring the minimalist and security-focused Alpine Linux, each of these distributions offers a distinct flavor and set of challenges:
- Linux from scratch – Not a distro, but a challenging project that provides step-by-step instructions for building your own custom Linux system entirely from source code.
- CRUX: Like Slackware, CRUX is a lightweight, x86-64-optimized Linux distribution targeted at experienced Linux users. It is known for its simplicity and the fact that it doesn’t include many of the automatic configuration features of other distros.
- Void Linux: Void offers a unique Linux experience with its own package management system called xbps. It’s known for speed, simplicity, and providing a rolling release model similar to Arch.
- Calculate Linux: Based on Gentoo, Calculate is a collection of several distributions that are designed to be fast, optimized, and bootable directly from a USB stick or CD/DVD.
- Alpine Linux: While not as similar, Alpine is worth mentioning for its security, simplicity, and resource efficiency. It uses musl libc and busybox to keep its size small, which is something that advanced users who like minimal systems might appreciate.
- Bedrock Linux: It is a meta Linux distribution that allows users to mix and match components and features from other distros. It’s for advanced users who want even more control and flexibility.
If low-end hardware specs constrain you, try the following lightweight Linux distros: Lubuntu, EndeavourOS, and Linux Lite.
Choosing the best Linux distro is a highly subjective matter, as it depends on individual needs and preferences. However, by considering factors such as ease of use, compatibility with hardware, community support, and the availability of software, one can make an informed decision.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, there is a Linux distro out there that will meet your needs. Ultimately, the best Linux distro is the one that you feel most comfortable and productive with, so it’s important to try out a few different options before making a final decision.
I genuinely hope this quick guide for beginners proves helpful. Most of the distro descriptions are directly from Distrowatch – a handy website for your research. What’s your pick for the best Linux distro?
Also, consider five other independent Linux distros you should try and the Best Linux server distributions.
Anything Debian based. Most tutorials online relate around Debian, probably because of RaspbianOS.

I myself use Ubuntu, like many others. I’ve hardly ever have issues with future releases. It’s been pretty solid for years now.
As per the above article, my advice is to find your own best fit. Everyone’s experience level, patience, available time, preferences, etc will vary so much that Arch Linux might be the perfect distro for one new user but a nightmare for others.
I believe that Debian itself is ok for all windows users coming to linux.
Lubuntu is nice, considering that users are usually coming from low-horsepower older systems, but the app stack can sometimes be a problem; For example, Thunderbird is documented well on the web, alternative apps like Claws/Slypheed not as much.
I have experience on installation in recycled hardware for people without resources, or without storage. One distro that I implemented is AntiX Linux, that runs fine from USB or storage. Updates could be too from USB (Not connected zones, or no Internet Access). Is easy to use and has a broad support for languages and desktops.
Santiago Frias
Tech Developer.