10 Easy WordPress Remote Backup Solutions

We all know how important it is to backup our data on a regular basis. Disk drives fail, databases crash, human error, hackers, hurricanes, fire, flood, you know the drill. Yet, only 6% of medium-sized companies that suffer catastrophic data loss ever recover and 51% close down within two years. With that in mind, do you have a WordPress backup and restore plan in place? In addition to local backups, are your WordPress backups also stored remotely?

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WordPress Remote Backup Solutions

As of September 2013, in addition to Amazon S3, Amazon Glacier, R1softDropbox, Rackspace Cloudfiles, Backup Buddy, WPremote and Vaultpress, I’ve also been using Backupsy (use coupon code: 40PERCENT) which is a flexible and affordable backup service for anyone who wants to backup their website and server data, any way they want.


With Backupsy, you basically rent a small VPS (virtual private server) which will run a Linux distro of your choice. This VPS can store anywhere from 250 gigabytes to 2 terabytes of storage. You’ll also get to choose how you would like to backup to it. For example, using FTP, SCP, rsync or third party backup services. Servers are located in Dallas, Miami, Orlando, Chicago, Denver, New York, Los Angeles, The UK and The Netherlands. Backupsy utilizes RAID50 technology to protect your data whilst also offering good read/write speeds. Each virtual server is connected to a 1Gbit (shared) uplink to maximize network I/O. After using this service for almost a full year, I can confidently recommend it as a low-cost, flexible remote backup solution. The same company also just launched R1softstorage which can be coupled with Idera’s R1soft backup solution.

Get started today using one or more of the 10 easy WordPress remote backup solutions listed above or recommend your solutions below.

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