man command in Linux /w examples.

The man command in Linux is your gateway to comprehensive documentation for almost every command and aspect of the Linux operating system. It’s like having a manual at your fingertips for understanding and mastering Linux. In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of using the man command in Linux, complete with practical examples to help […]

apropos command in Linux /w examples.

The apropos command in Linux is a powerful tool for discovering and searching for commands and their descriptions. It’s like a command-line encyclopedia that helps you find the right command for a specific task. In this article, we’ll dive into the essentials of using the apropos command in Linux, complete with practical examples to help […]

touch command in Linux /w examples

The touch command in Linux is a versatile tool for creating empty files or updating timestamps on existing ones. Despite its simplicity, it plays a crucial role in file management. In this article, we’ll delve into the basics of using the touch command in Linux, complete with practical examples to help you become proficient in […]

mkdir command in Linux /w examples

The mkdir command, short for “make directory,” is a fundamental tool in the Linux command line arsenal. It enables users to create directories or folders effortlessly. In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of using the mkdir command in Linux, complete with practical examples to help you become proficient in directory creation. This article is […]

rm command in Linux w/ examples

The rm command, short for “remove,” is a powerful tool in the Linux command line toolkit. It is used for deleting files and directories. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of using the rm command and provide practical examples to help you become proficient in file removal. This article is a follow-up to the […]

MySQL Performance: Stop hoarding. Drop unused MySQL databases

Recently, I supported a client with solving MySQL performance issues. There were several areas where MySQL performance issues were addressed. One issue, however, that was overlooked before our communications was that of keeping around unused databases. There were around 15 gigabytes of unused MySQL data – a mix of MyISAM and InnoDB tables – for […]

Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than… (Solution)

A quick solution to the warning “Could not increase number of max_open_files to more than” when starting MySQL or MariaDB. For some background, read How MySQL Opens and Closes Tables. Here’s an excerpt: “The table_open_cache and max_connections system variables affect the maximum number of files the server keeps open. If you increase one or both of […]

Sept 2023: Insider Threat Awareness Month – Unveiling Hidden Risks

In the realm of cybersecurity, vigilance is key. Threats can come from anywhere, and sometimes, they emerge from within. In September 2023, we observe National Insider Threat Awareness Month (NITAM), a crucial initiative aimed at educating organizations and individuals about the dangers posed by insider threats and promoting strategies to mitigate them.   Understanding NITAM […]

Linux benchmark scripts and tools

This list of Linux benchmark scripts and tools should prove helpful for quick performance checks of CPU, storage, memory, and network on Linux servers and VPS. Check each script before running from the command line. Most of these scripts will benchmark the CPU, memory, storage, and network. In most cases, the CPU Model, frequency, and […]

Your Web Host Doesn’t Want You To Read This: Benchmark Your VPS

Aug 13th, 2023: added Yet-another-bench-script benchmarking tool. Sept 27th, 2021: Added link to a great list of command-line benckmark scripts. June 17th, 2019: Added instructions for network speed test using speedtest-cli script. Nov 2nd, 2016: Included quick dd commands to check cached vs. uncached read performance. This article will highlight using the ‘dd’ Unix command […]

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